About Healing Hearts Therapy

Co-founders Michele Saffier, LMFT, CSAT-S and Arlene Rosen, LMFT, CSAT bring their years of experience and expertise to The Center for Healing Self and Relationships group practice. 

You are not alone.

Our mission is to aid in the healing of those negatively impacted by addictions, compulsive sexual behavior, and other problems of daily living. Our practice provides counseling, psychotherapy and psycho-education, utilizing an approach that honors each individual’s right to dignity, respect, and self-expression. 

Treatment serves to promote self-awareness, develop healthy coping skills, restore relationship intimacy, and, ultimately, live with passion, purpose, and balance. Understanding that families are traumatized by the issues impacting loved ones, we endeavor to assist our clients in restoring balance, tranquility and equanimity to their lives. 

Whether you are struggling as a couple or an individual, we provide a safe and respectful space where we can work as a team to create meaningful solutions to improve your life.

Who we serve

  • People struggling with sexually compulsive behavior

  • Spouses 

  • Partners

  • Families

  • Adolescents and adult children 

  • Couples

  • PTSD

“Ambushed by Betrayal: The Survival Guide for Betrayed Partners on Their Heroes’ Journey to Healthy Intimacy” 

Infidelity, gaslighting, and deception shatter the most sacred part of a committed relationship, the attachment. The foundation upon which your relationship house is built is demolished in an instant, leaving unsuspecting partners in the rubble and twisted wires trying to make sense of what just happened.  This is Betrayal Trauma. Ambushed by Betrayal will lead you on a heroes’ journey where you will face into the depth of pain and suffering that follows in the wake of the hurricane and you will emerge whole, yet broken but stronger for the brokenness.  You will reclaim your balance, wisdom, and dignity, allowing you to make the most difficult decisions with a clear and strong mind.

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to request an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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